Timely Warnings

If a situation arises, either on or off campus, that poses an ongoing or continuing threat, the Director of Public Safety or their designee will issue a "timely warning" notification. This warning may be communicated to faculty, staff, and students via:

  • Email and text messages through our Emergency Alert System
  • Safety alerts on our website

Click here to register for the Emergency Alert System.

Depending on the circumstances, the Department of Public Safety may also:

  • Post a notice on the website
  • Distribute copies in each building
  • Broadcast announcements on local radio or TV stations, public address systems, or through campus safety mobile units

If you have information that warrants a timely warning, please report it to the Public Safety Office at:

  • Extension: 2650 (from any college phone)
  • Phone: 313-496-2650 (from any other phone)
  • Emergency: Dial 911

You can also make reports in person at any campus public safety office within the District.