
Diverse nursing students

Nursing holds a special place in today’s U.S. healthcare system. Nurses are taking on expanded roles to provide comprehensive care to patients with complex needs and various health conditions. Nurses make a real difference in their patients' lives, helping them heal and recover while putting their families at ease.

Our nursing program is approved by:

  • The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs/Board of Nursing
    PO Box 30670, Lansing, MI 48909-8170
  • The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 

ACEN accreditation is a peer-review process that enhances quality improvement in nursing education. It also provides valuable career and education decision-making information and makes students eligible for federal, state, and foundation agency funding.

Nursing Mission Statement

“The mission of the Nursing Program is aligned with the mission of the college. We educate, prepare, and empower student nurses to become competent health professionals who deliver safe patient care in a state-of-the-art health care environment with interdisciplinary teams, and to promote health and wellness to individuals, families, and communities in our culturally diverse society.”

End-of-Program Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply professional accountability congruent with the roles, responsibilities, and values associated with nursing practice. 
  2. Integrate evidence-based principles as a foundation for nursing practice. 
  3. Demonstrate effective patient-centered care to diverse populations in a variety of care environments. 
  4. Examine care standards with continuous scrutiny for the betterment of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

Upon completion, graduates are eligible to complete a national exam through the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The exam measures the WCCCD nursing graduates competencies needed to perform safely and effectively as an entry-level graduate nurse. Successful completion of the exam is a requirement for employment as an RN. The table below identifies the three-year pass rates for nursing graduates.

Year Number of First Time Test Takers Total Number of First Time Test Takers Aggregate Pass Rate Aggregate Program Completion Rate 100% Job Placement Rate
2022 Spring: 27/42
Fall: 46/79
73/121 60.33% 11.65% 97%
2023 Spring: 25/33
Fall: 21/25
46/58 79.31% 21.36% 100%
2024 Spring: 27/27
Fall: 8/8
35/35 100%        Pending Spring: 93% Fall: Pending

What’s the Job Outlook for Nurses?

The employment of registered nurses is expected to grow by 6% from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations.

As of May 2023, the median annual wage for registered nurses was $86,070.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, June 2024, Registered Nurses
WCCCD Nursing Program is fully approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing (MBON)

Three nursing students

Nursing Program Application

A nursing career is a promising opportunity to build a healthcare career that supports you and your community.

What’s Required to Complete the Nursing Program?

Prospective students are required to take a combination of prerequisite courses and nursing classes. When you enroll in Wayne County Community College District’s Nursing Program you will not have to make guesses about what your academic timeline will look like.

An Associate in Applied Science in Nursing Degree (AAS) at WCCCD requires 69 total credits and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (grade C or better) upon completion. 

We have articulation agreements with Eastern Michigan University, Indiana Wesleyan University, and University of Michigan-Flint for those students who wish to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing.

How Do I Get into the Nursing Program?

Admission to WCCCD’s Nursing degree program is competitive. We admit students twice a year for the spring and fall semesters. To qualify, you must meet all WCCCD admission requirements and also:

  • Provide your high school transcript, high school diploma, or certified GED scores showing completion dates
  • Provide official transcripts from all colleges/universities you have  attended, including WCCCD
  • Take and pass the HESI exam at WCCCD within two years before applying to the nursing program
  • Submit one personal reference letter and one employer reference letter signed and dated within 60 days of application (letters from family members or WCCCD faculty/staff will not be accepted)
  • Complete a background check via upon acceptance to the nursing program

    What Will I Learn as a Nursing Student?

    You will learn the role of a professional Registered Nurse to meet the bio-psychosocial needs of culturally diverse individuals, families, and communities. Our program focuses on best-practice standards that promote health and wellness.

    Once you complete the program, you’ll be prepared to:

    • Take the National Counsel Licensing Examination (NCLEX-RN)
    • Apply evidence-based practice when making patient care decisions
    • Care for diverse patients in multiple care  settings

    Recommended course sequencing

    Prerequisite Course Total: 22 Credits

    *BIO 155 is a prerequisite to BIO 240 and BIO 295

    *If there is a lapse greater than 5 years for ALH 105, BIO 240, BIO 250, or BIO 295 students must retake the courses.

    Semester 1 Total: 12 Credits

    First 7.5 Weeks

    Second 7.5 Weeks

    Semester 2 Total: 10 Credits

    Semester 3 Total: 10 Credits

    College Degree Required Course Total: 6 Credits

    Nursing Program Total: 69 Credits

    A.A.S. Program Total: 69 Credits


    • Program total hours include prerequisites and corequisites.
    • Program totals do not include District remedial courses.
    • Students must also complete College Degree Requirements in order to be eligible for graduation:
      • Complete at least 60 credit hours
      • A minimum of 12 credit hours of program requirements at WCCCD
      • PS 101 American Government (3 credit hours)
      • ENG 120 English II (3 credit hours)
      • Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 upon completion
    • Students interested in transferring to a 4-year institution are encouraged to take the following courses:

    Students should see an advisor for additional information.

    Semester 1 Total: 10 Credits

    Semester 2 Total: 10 Credits

    Certificate Total: 20 Credits

    Note: Certificate total hours may not include prerequisites.

    Where is WCCCD’s Nursing Program Offered?

    As a WCCCD student, you can take prerequisite courses, use facilities, and get involved at any of our six locations.

    Other Programs offered at WCCCD:

    • Nurse Assistant Training
      • A 2-semester or 4-week certificate program prepares students to become nurse aides and assist health professionals with patient care.
    • Allied Health Programs
      • Anesthesia Technology
      • Dental Hygiene
      • Pharmacy Technology
      • Phlebotomy

    Nursing Handbook

    Nursing Information Packet

    Care Coordination and Transition Management

    This 20-credit, two-semester certificate prepares nurses for the Care Coordination and Transition Management Certification Exam.

    Nursing Assistant Training

    This 2-semester or 4-week certificate prepares students to become nurse aides and assist health professionals in patient care. Please see course offerings and Nursing Administration.

    Allied Health Programs

    WCCCD also offers programs in anesthesia technology, dental hygiene, pharmacy technology, phlebotomy, and more.

    It is the policy of WCCCD that no person, based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, disability, or political affiliation or belief, shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in employment or in any program or activity for which it is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.

    More Information

    The WCCCD Nursing Program admits students twice a year in the Spring and Fall semesters. Please see below for the Application Submission Dates:

    Fall Semester - May 15 Spring Semester - September 15

    Prospective students are required to submit the following: 

    • High School transcript, copy of High School diploma or Certified GED scores.
    • Official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities previously attended, including WCCCD.
    • Two (2) typewritten original Reference Letters; one from employer, on employer’s letterhead, and one personal reference, signed and dated within 60 days. If unemployed, submit two typewritten personal references. Letters written by family and WCCCD faculty members are not accepted.  All references will be verified.
    • Essay: Submit a typed 500-to-1000-word essay describing "How I plan to be successful in completing the Nursing Program." The essay must be signed and dated.
    • Fulfill all of WCCCD admission requirements.
    • Verification of attendance at a Nursing Information Meeting.

    PLEASE NOTE: WCCCD Nursing Program does not accept the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) to fulfill any program requirements.

    Eastern Michigan University
    Indiana Wesleyan University
    University of Michigan Flint

    Wayne County Community College District is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
    230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
    Chicago, IL 60604

    Information regarding the status of an institution is available at ext. 11, or by email at; complaints can be directed to ext. 198, or by email at

    Click here for Michigan Board of Nursing Registered Nurse Approved Education Programs

    The Health Science Interdisciplinary Simulation Laboratory (HSISL) provides world-class healthcare simulation for students and faculty. Hands-on simulation helps students develop preparedness and insight that are best learned and practiced in realistic conditions. This translates into improved real-world communication, collaboration, teamwork, and crisis management.

    (313) 943-4000

    Phone: (313) 943-4000