Reporting Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is generally defined as attempted or actual unwanted sexual activity, including: 

  • Forcible Sex Offenses: These involve sexual acts directed against another person without consent, including forcible rape, forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling.

  • Non-Forcible Sex Offenses: Unlawful, non-forcible sexual intercourse, such as incest and statutory rape. Depending on circumstances, rape may fall under either category.

Reporting Procedures for Sexual Assault

Wayne County Community College District encourages victims of sexual assault to report incidents. The following offices are authorized to handle such cases:

  • Campus Safety
  • Student Affairs
  • Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Victims will receive guidance on how to bring formal charges against the accused.

Disciplinary Actions:

  • The procedures for on-campus disciplinary action align with the Student Code of Conduct for any violations.
  • Students can choose to pursue allegations through the District system, the criminal justice system, or both.
  • The District may impose sanctions on the violator under the Student Code of Conduct to protect the victim.

Support Services

Victims are encouraged to utilize student support services offered by Wayne County Community College District. They will also be provided with referrals to additional community support services.