Student FAQs
Frequently Asked IT Questions
Your Student Admit Number is your A number. Example: A00123456. Your A number can be used for accessing Web-Gate and Blackboard. For further assistance, please contact the Division of Student Services at (313) 496-2634.
To download Office 365, simply click on the link below and follow the prompts. You must have your WCCCD school email address to download.
All student email accounts are automatically generated when registration is completed.
- Click on the following link
- Click on Enter Web‐Gate, Enter your A number and PIN.
- On the Main Menu, click on View Student Email Address.
- To read your email click on the following link
- Enter your student email address; enter your password.
Please note: Your password by default is your six-digit date of birth. Example: MMDDYY
Your email address will be your This username was given to you upon registration for academic courses. To view your Username, log onto Web-Gate.
Your password will initially be your Web-Gate student PIN number: Note: If this is your first time logging into Web-Gate, your password or PIN number is your six-digit date of birth (MMDDYY).
If you need further assistance, please contact WCCCD IT Help Desk at (313) 496-2666.
Changing your Web-Gate PIN number will also change your email password. Please allow 15-20 minutes for accounts to sync.
Please note: PIN must contain only 6-15 digits.
For security purposes, certain attachments are blocked by the server. Extensions blocked are .exe, .com, .vbs, .scr and others.
All students are responsible for following the Acceptable Use Policy.