Time and Leaves

I. Vacation
All full-time employees accrue 1 ¾ days for each month of full-time employment. All full-
time employees will forfeit all hours in excess of 336 hours at the end of the fiscal year
(June 30).

II. Sick
All full-time employees accrue 1 ½ days each month as sick leave, if they work at least
18 days within a particular month.

III. Personal
Exempt employees are entitled to five (5) days per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) as
personal business leave days. Personal leave shall not be allowed immediately prior to
or following a scheduled holiday or vacation day. Personal leave is part of accrued sick
leave and not part of a separate leave accrual. Union employees should refer to their
bargaining agreement for eligible personal leave.

Part-time, UAW and P&AA employees who have completed one (1) year of employment
is provided a total of 75 hours per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) for vacation, sick and
personal business usage.

V. Part-time non-union medical Leave
(Sick Leave) Non-Union Part Time employees are eligible to accrue one hour for every 35 hours
worked up to 40 hours within a calendar year. Accrued hours are for medical reasons only.
Hours will not carry over to the following fiscal year.

I. Sick
All employees must contact the Human Resources Department with a physician
statement after being out sick for five (5) consecutive workdays. For more information
on the use of sick leave, see the employee handbook.

II. Maternity
The employee shall inform the Human Resources Department of the expected date of
confinement within six weeks of pregnancy confirmation. Maternity leave shall be from
the expected date of confinement as determined by the mother’s physician until six (6)
weeks after the birth of the child. The employee may use sick and vacation accrual or
file a disability claim for the period of confinement for up to six to eight weeks after the
birth of the child.

III. Parental Leave of Absence
a) The employer shall grant a leave of absence without pay for the care of an
employee’s newborn child for a period of up to one year upon written request for such
leave by the employee and certification of the birth by the employee’s physician.
b) The request for parental leave shall be submitted at the same time as a request for
maternity leave as described in the above paragraphs. Parental leave will begin at the
date for expiration of maternity leave as described in the above paragraph 3. (d)
c) A full-time male Bargaining Unit member shall be granted up to one (1) year’s leave of
absence without pay upon written request to the appropriate administrator provided
such request is made within sixty (60) days of the birth of child to his spouse.

1. Family and Medical Leave Request
2. Rights and Responsibilities
3. Medical Certification for FMLA - Employee
4. Medical Certification for FMLA - Family Member
5. Medical Certification for FMLA - Maternity
6. Certification For Disabled Individuals Over The Age Of 18 For Coverage Under FMLA
7. Medical Certification for FMLA – Injured Service Members
8. Certification for a Qualifying Exigency

V. Short-term Disability
All full-time employees are eligible for short-term disability benefits that begin on the
16th working day of any continuous illness or injury that prevents the employee from
work. Disability payments begin on the 16th working day of any continuous illness or injury that
prevents the employee from work.
The payment equals 2/3 of the employee’s weekly wages with a maximum of $1,000.00. Short-
term disability covers a maximum of 26 weeks.
https://www.wcccd.edu/dept/pdf/HR/STD%20Claim%20Forms%202014.pdf (Short
Term Disability Form)

VI. Long-term Disability
All full-time employees are eligible for long-term disability benefits that begin on the 29 th
week of continuous illness or injury that prevents the employee from returning to work
at the end of the maximum short-term disability benefits.
The maximum monthly benefit is $5,000.00 for exempt employees and $2,500.00 for
non-exempt. The employees’ age at the time of the Disability will determine the
maximum period of benefits.

VII. Worker’s Compensation
WCCCD employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation as required by the Michigan
Workers’ Compensation Act.
It is the responsibility of the employee/ employee’s supervisor to immediately contact
the Human Resources Department of any injury that takes place on the College’s
property. An “Incident Report” must be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of the
incident. Employees must report all work-related injuries and illnesses to their
supervisors for treatment authorization from the Human Resource Department.

I. Military
An employee who enlists into the United States Military Service shall be granted a leave
of absence without pay in conformance with conditions established by federal and state

II. Bereavement
An employee may be granted time off chargeable to sick leave for the death of a family
member/close associate. Union employees should refer to applicable collective
bargaining agreements for more information.

Web-gate is an electronic time and leave system used to enter and submit hours worked and time taken for approval within a specific pay period. It can be accessed through the internet anywhere and
anytime. It is also available twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. You are able to view and
track your leave time entry as it moves through the approval process. Your approved leave time is fed
directly to the leave balance. Full and part time Union employees, and temporary employees us web-
gate system to enter their bi-weekly time worked while the full time nonunion employees use web-gate system to enter their leave taken time.