Student Organization Overview

The following student organizations have applied or wish to apply to become officially recognized organizations at WCCCD:

1.) Student Executive Council
The purpose of the SEC is to:

  • Plan educational presentations, student activities and events
  • Act as a liaison between the student population, faculty, and administration to promote the rights, education, and general welfare of all students at the college.
  • Recommend themes for student programs which encourage community service and promote an appreciation of educational topics, art and culture.
Student Executive Council Constitution Student Executive Council By Laws

2.) Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
The purpose of PTK is to:

  • Recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students
  • Provide opportunities for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence
  • Recognize and encourage the academic achievement
PTK Membership Application Phi Theta Kappa By Laws

3.) Wayne County Community College District International Student Association
The purpose of the International Student Association is to:

  • Inform others of international cultures and activities
  • Increase awareness of our international community
  • Develop international leaders through community service, educational and multicultural programs
  • Form support groups for incoming international students

4.) BETA BETA BETA (Tribeta Club) (Biological Honor Society)
Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is an honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Wayne County Community College District’s Tribeta local chapter was formed in 2013. 

The purpose of the TriBeta Club is to:

  • Promote scholarship in the biological sciences
  • Promote the dissemination of biological knowledge
  • Encourage research
Student Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) Application

5.) Genealogy Club (Tracing the Globe Connecting Families)
The purpose of the Genealogy Club is to:

  • Assemble people who are interested in genealogy
  • Preserve family history in an academic setting
  • Provide a forum, resources, and student collaboration for the purpose of researching genealogy
  • Involve students in college student life/activities

6.) Wayne County Community College District Student Nurse Association (Nursing Club)
The purpose of the Nursing Club is to:

  • Foster the professional development of nursing students by mentoring
  • Convey the standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as responsible and accountable leaders and members of the profession

7.) Wayne County Community College District Muslim Student Organization (MSO)
The purpose of the MSO is to:

  • Promote educational awareness and an informative outlook for Islam.
  • Provide a platform where students can freely discuss religion and foster inter-faith and cultural understanding.

If you are interested in starting a new student organization, click here for an application