Chancellor's Action Priorities
The Chancellor’s Action Priorities outline strategic directions and objectives are aligned to the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. The institutional priorities serve as an annual plan to guide actionable initiatives during the year. The Priorities facilitate WCCCD’s alignment with the mission, trends in higher education, and overall continuous improvement efforts.
- Advance efforts for the Higher Learning Commission's quality assurance review to reaffirm quality initiatives and continuous quality improvement.
- Restructure hybrid learning experiences that integrate distance and traditional academic programs to meet students learning and personal needs for completion.
- To close the gap in the cost of education and accessibility, we must continue participating in alternative funding options such as scholarships, tuition amnesty, and grant programs.
- Continue marketing, branding, and recruitment strategies that increase enrollment to promote educational, professional, and personal growth.
- Expand collaborative business and workforce partnerships by integrating credit-bearing career and technical (CTE) courses in workforce development and training programs in high-skill and high-demand industries.
- Expand curriculum renewal, micro-credentials, and new program development to align career and technical education and liberal arts to advance career readiness goals.
- Continue development of high-touch and high-impact student support initiatives to reduce barriers for student success and outcomes.
- Reimagine Completion Initiatives and student success to facilitate degree attainment and career readiness.
- Strengthen technology initiatives, network and digital infrastructure to enhance distance education modalities, innovative teaching and learning, and SMART technology use to support district-wide efficiency.
- Advance professional development initiatives that support operational excellence and succession planning to sustain excellence for faculty and staff district-wide.
- Continue creative delivery of continuing education to reengage the community with campuses and continue serving as a community resource.
- Continue development of partnerships with secondary schools to advance dual enrollment programming strategies and effectiveness.
- Enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to engage students, faculty, staff, and community in culturally diverse and inclusive learning experiences that promote accessibility to quality education and services.