Course Formats & Distance Learning

We’ve added new course formats and semester terms to ensure you can accommodate your educational goals in your daily life with a more flexible learning schedule. 

The District provides different learning modalities (the way in which we provide teaching and learning to our students), including those offered:

  • Face-to-Face: In the classroom 
  • Hybrid: A mix of Face-to-Face and Virtual
  • Distance Learning: Asynchronous (review course content on your own schedule, within the course timeline; does not require consistent real-time interactions with an instructor)
  • Virtual Classroom: Synchronous (review course content within the course time(s) and days; this is collaborative, time-based, and virtual location-based)

Course Types:

  • Interactive (ITV) Courses are face-to-face courses conducted in an ITV room. The instructor delivers the course on one campus, and it is broadcast to the ITV room on another campus. Students may be at the same location as the instructor or at the location to which it is being broadcasted. The instructor will alternate campuses each week. The instructor may choose to set up an accompanying online site using the course management software.
  • Live Online courses are delivered through web-based software in real-time. The instructor presents each class online using slides, audio, and chat. The students log in online from home, the office, or on campus during the scheduled course meeting time. Instructors may hold class sessions in a computer lab until the students are comfortable with the software.

Course Terms & Timeframes:


Sub-Term Dates

Time Frame

Term 1

15 Weeks

Term 2

7.5 Weeks

Term 3

7.5 Weeks

Term 4

13 Weeks

Term 5

Dual Enrollment

Term 6

10 Week Special Projects