Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are created by the Purchasing Department using the Automated Finance System (BANNER).
Vendor Requirements: All vendors must complete a vendor profile and IRS W-9 form before the purchase order can be finalized.
Types of Purchase Orders:
Regular Purchase Orders:
- Issued based on information from the online requisition submitted by the requestor.
- After review by the buyer, a purchase order is generated, printed, and approved by the authorized Buyer or the Director of Purchasing.
- The original purchase order is mailed to the supplier, and all standard terms, conditions, warranties, safety requirements, and any special conditions apply.
Service Orders:
- Issued based on information from the online requisition submitted by the requestor.
- Designed to contract services from a vendor for a specified time and amount.
- The original service order is mailed to the supplier.
- After services are satisfactorily completed, the requestor must return an initialed copy of the service order to the Accounts Payable Department.